
Polaroid’s exclusive UI design tells you detailed illustrations from design to operation

Polaroid 寶麗萊 獨家UI設計 從設計到操作 詳細圖解告訴你

Do you find it difficult to operate your driving recorder? Please move your body or wear glasses during operation👓
Is the interface dull and boring? Every time you want to find a function, you have to keep swiping and swiping, and you still can't find it? Or after setting it up, you still don’t know what has been set? 😩

In the past, the traditional electronic rearview mirror setting interface was presented in the form of a text list. To use it, you need to read carefully to select the settings. You have to move your body close to the screen to watch, which not only takes time but also increases driving risks.

[Polaroid] Exclusively designed a more intuitive user interface for the above operation problems

📌Exclusive design features

Intuitive touch operation: The combination of text + icons + colors makes the operation easy and you can quickly and intuitively find the functions you need.

Use color recognition (on-color/off-dark): Selecting color feedback not only improves the appearance, but also improves operating efficiency. Users can clearly identify that the operation is correctly executed, and can see their own settings on the outer layer.

Function classification: Classification according to function type, so that the operator can see it clearly at a glance and never find it again.

Exclusively designed by the Polaroid design team, we constantly innovate and optimize products, hoping to bring you a better user experience!

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